Level 2 Troubleshooting Week Three

Next week we will give examples of training scenarios that fit into the quadrants. Make sure you are familiar with the quadrants so that you can identify if we are in the realm of Positive Reinforcement, Positive Punishment, Negative Reinforcement, or Negative Punishment. We will also start to talk about what strategies you are using in your training with Level 2 behaviours. For instance, when you stop and wait for your dog to re-engage, and reward him with a click and a treat, which quadrant are you in? Do you think you might be more effective in any other quadrant? Being able to talk about training in this way makes your training of your dog more effective!

Next week we will work toward more work for less pay. In preparation for this be aware of the value of the reinforcers you choose and make sure that you reinforce every behaviour you ask for with a click and treat. Don’t try and link two or three or four behaviours this week! (unless it is a training challenge in games or something like that, of course!)

How valuable is each behaviour to handler vs dog? Choose the reinforcer that your dog needs to succeed by taking into account how valuable the behaviour is for your dog. If you are doing something new, or difficult or in a difficult place, use a higher value reinforcer. The key to good training is success so if you need a higher value reinforcer to get the behaviour, then use that!

Keep in mind that the Door is that dog does not go out an open door unless he is invited.


Door behaviour; aim to pass the level 2 door behaviour next week, or if you have passed that to increase your door behaviour by one level.

Use highest value treats from car to door; have a plan to get from car to hall to station, each and every time you come to class.

One behaviour, 1 c/t  (this is shorthand for click and treat and we will be using it often in the homework)

Continue to practice the scramble exercise! Your leash manners were much improved this week!