Good Dog Re-Opening

During quarantine, we have re-examined what works and what doesn’t.  We examined the cost of running Good Dog as it was and determined that we were losing money at such a rate that we could not continue to offer the program as it had been written.  The Good Dog staff also looked at what program elements were working and which ones were either not working or not being taken advantage of.  We learned a lot!

This has led us to re-evaluate and re-organize the program from top to bottom, keeping the best and changing the parts that were not working.  Our new, re-organized Good Dog program is going to be offered as an 8 week enrolment for $549.99, with access to Walking Class or Good Dog Class as appropriate, a new Online Skills Class and a weekly off leash, Good Dog Walk.  As with our other programs you can take time off as needed, up to half of your enrolment.  Students will have access to as many privates as they need, with a maximum of 5 per 8 week enrolment.

Here is a breakdown of the program elements.

Walking Class has been working really, really well for most students.  Starting on July 8, we are moving to a sign up system, in line with all of our other program offerings.  Lucy will be teaching Walking Class as she has been for some time now, and Ramona will be assisting her.  The class will run on Wednesdays at 7pm for 45 minutes, currently starting at the training hall.  We will allow 2 handlers per dog.  Simone will continue to offer the online virtual class for anyone who doesn’t wish to come in person or who could not enrol to get in.

Good Dog class will be co-taught by Sue and Lucy, with assistance from Maureen and Ramona, starting on July 8 at 8pm at the training hall.  We will start with 4 students, and each dog may be accompanied by two people.  All attendance will be by sign up only.  Laura will continue to run our virtual room.

We have a NEW Virtual Skills Class.  This class is intended to help students learn concrete skills that will support their progress through Good Dog and into Walking Class, and eventually if you desire, into Levels Unlimited, our regular obedience class.  Simone will be teaching this class at 9:00am on Sundays, for the months of July and August, starting July 12.  At the end of August, we will be re-examining this class and determining how well it works.  All students and instructors are encouraged to attend as this will be integral to success in the other branches of the program.

The Good Dog Walk will begin again on July 12 at 4:00pm.  This activity will ramp up over the summer, and will be by sign up.  Our first walk will be for 2 dogs and the following week we will add in one or two dogs.

We have a new way to recognize progress in the Good Dog program.  We have a four stage program where you can earn dog tags that recognize your progress.  The matrix is made up of the behaviours that we have previously taught in the privates, and this virtual class is where you will be able to learn the skills you need to progress through your goals.  A first draft of the matrix will be available for the first Virtual Skills Class on July 12.

In order to transition between the old and the new programs, we are asking everyone to finish up whatever privates they have left in the coming 8 weeks (with the exception of the two students who are on a longer enrolment related to Levels; we will reach out to you folks in the coming few weeks to organize your enrolment), and then if you are going to renew, renew when your privates are up.  If you haven’t finished your privates within the coming 8 weeks, then you will get a renewal notice at that time so that you can continue in program under the new system.  As of July 2, 2020, any new enrolment will be under the new program.