Day Training


Have you tried Day Training at Dogs in the Park? We are able to take up to six dogs per day, from Monday to Friday. Please see below to purchase a day training package for your dog.

What is day training?

Day training is a day your dog gets to spend with one of our certified instructors or mentees (instructors in training who are under instruction from a certified instructor), learning skills, getting off leash time, and learning to settle in a crate! Throughout the day, your dog will enjoy: an off leash walk with other dogs (if appropriate); training sessions, and rest time in crates.

How does it work?

You can either purchase an individual day through our online Day Training system, or purchase a package for discounted prices. Once you’ve purchased your package, you will receive an email with your booking code and link to book your dog in for training.

On your scheduled day, you will drop off your dog at the Dogs in the Park training hall between 8:00am and 8:30am. From there, we do the rest! Pick up for your dog is by appointment between 5pm and 6pm.

 Who is eligible?

Day training is ideal for puppies, adolescents and we take older dogs, too! We are currently accepting day training for current Puppy and Levels students. If you are interested in day training but are not a Puppy or Levels student, please speak to your behaviour consultant about your dog’s suitability.

PLEASE NOTE: You have 8 weeks to book your Day Training Days from your date of purchase for 2 and 4 weeks packages, or 6 months for 10 day packages.