1. Hand sanitizers with hand pumps at entrances to Blue Room and Puppy Room

    • All staff and students must hand san when entering

  2. Masks:  all staff and students must wear masks before entering and while in our building.

    • Appropriate:  cloth masks, surgical masks (Costco now carries these), N95 masks without valve.

    • Prohibited:  N95 masks with valve (the valve throws unfiltered breath directly into the classroom)

  3. Gloves may be worn IF and ONLY IF a staff member watches the student pull a new pair from a box and put them on.  (Otherwise, the student may be touching our doors, gates & equipment with contaminated gloves).

  4. Students must bring ALL of their OWN EQUIPMENT including clickers, leashes, collars, dog toys, water and bowl, treats.  We will NO LONGER be giving out loaners of any of these, including treats & toys.


Entry to our classrooms is only through our front (glass) door.

  1. As a group: have people stand on the driveway and let them know:

    • One person per dog will be allowed to attend indoor classes

    • No one showing any symptoms of COVID-19 will be permitted to enter our building. A sign will be posted on our front door to this effect.

    •  Anyone suspected of being symptomatic, but not disclosing will be asked SCREENING QUESTIONS (to be asked vocally by the instructor)

  2. One person & dog team will enter the front door, and be escorted to their station in the classroom

  3. Each person will be required to apply hand san on the way in

  4. Where a tether is needed, the student will tether their own dog to the carabiner on the wall

  5. Once everyone is in, LOCK THE FRONT DOOR.  No Late Arrivals will be allowed


Exit from our classrooms is via the back doors of our Blue Room and Puppy Room.

  1. Instructor will direct each dog & handler team to exit in turn

  2. Hand san should be made available at the back doors - use a pillar of black mats with a red lid on the top to provide a table top to rest the Hand san bottle on.


  1. Sanitization procedures are simplified by:

    • The classroom water bowl is no longer provided

    • The classroom toys are no longer provided

    • The classroom treats & squeeze cheese are no longer provided

    •  Washroom terrycloth towel is no longer provided

  2. What to do:

    • Use bleach sprayer to spray all tethers used. 

    • Clean all door handles, gates and any other surfaces touched by students

    • Use Lysol wipes or bleach sprayer, depending on what works best

    • Wipe down the washroom with Lysol wipes after each class

    • Set up a hand washing station in the laundry tub

Note for staff:  You should not be taking the leash to demo with the students' dogs.  Demo & coach just as you have been doing in our virtual classes and privates.

Hand san will NOT work effectively if your hands are covered in cheeseball oils & grit.  Use baby wipes first, then hand san; or just wash your hands with warm water & soap.

Strong recommendation:  Please wash your external clothes after every class with in-person students.


  1. Please bring baby wipes soaked in alcohol to your walks, and wipe your dog down after your walk.  To make these, please open a container of baby wipes and pour 70% alcohol into the container.

  2. Masks must be worn by all people on our dog walks.

  3. Only one person per dog will be allowed to attend walks.

  4. No one showing any symptoms of COVID-19 will be permitted to participate on walk.


  1. Masks must be worn by all people participating in our outdoor classes.

  2. Please bring any equipment you expect to use, including treats, toys, and water & bowl for your dog.

  3. One person per dog will be allowed to attend outdoor classes.

  4. No one showing any symptoms of COVID-19 will be permitted to attend outdoor classes.

At all times, and during all of our events, please do your best to maintain the recommended 6-foot or 2-meter social distance from your fellow students and our staff.

Thank you so much for helping to make our DITP events as safe as possible!